Sunday, June 8, 2008

Maine Roller Derby: Calamity Janes vs. Providence Killah Bees

June 7th at the Portland Expo.

Boy was it great.

Close games are always the best and the MRD Calamity Janes put on a good show, seemingly letting the Killah Bees get up there with them on the scoreboard. Bruises galore. Great g-d almighty!
Maine Roller Derby
The Killah Bees kick ass but they are no match for our rugged Maine girls!

Down to the last minutes and it's 57 to 57.

How can this be?!

Sudden death match to be had. Two minutes girls! That's all you got to score.

Down to 17 seconds! Go, girls, go!

Shelby Bruisin' of the Bees goes down! She's hurt but she's tough. This means a redue.

And the Calamity Janes win by a hairpile.

This means MRD is still UNDEFEATED!Maine Roller Derby Jammer (I know the photos are super fuzzy but damn these girls skate fast!)