Friday, May 30, 2008

"Show on a Bus" AM Frank & The 500s

Where were you last night?

You missed a show down that can only end in a tie, striped not spotted. Well, not really a show down, more of a show off as these two bands are dissimilar in many ways that cannot be differences.

The show was to start at 7 but the titular bus didn't arrive until a little after 8 so things got started little late. My g-d this bus was a scrumy gutter punkers dream! Filled with dirt and filth and smelled of old socks dieing in a tin pan alley. It was wonderful. AM F played inside the said bus while 500s played the outside.

This AM Frank consists of a hot lady dancer/moaner, singer dude who plays keytar and regular guitar, and a keyboard/keytar guy. So that's three members for AM F. And they are all smokey and noiselovely. I danced like a monkey at a disco. Which is how I would say they sound, a monkey at a disco. This was the funnest. I don't know if they have any recorded music but I'm gonna ask next time I'm in Strange Maine. A.M. Frank #2 A.M. Frank

The 500s consist of Isaac, Sammie, and Jonathan. They are a reg band with guitar, keys, and drums. Not so crazyass as AM Frank but perhaps a bit more rockin' and the rollin'. And here again three members with the Isaac on guitar, Sammie on keys, and Jonathan on drums/singin', well they all sing but you couldn't really hear coz yeah they're outside but they had it turned up loud and had us sing along to "the song you sing to me". These guys are fab! Get their cd OMG! OMG! OMG! THE 500S WTF? at Strange Maine on Congress st. It's the sweetest core. the 500s The 500s

Some other cool band played but I didn't get to see them as I had a spitting head pain that killed me and I had to thumb a ride with AM F back to the 7-11 oh thank heavens to get some late night food. Thanks AM Frank!

"Show On A Bus"All Photos by Me

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